Meet-N-Greet: Pankaj Gupta, M.D.

While we were in Cleveland, OH for the Transplant Games of America we had the opportunity to sit down with Dr. Pankaj Gupta about corneal transplants.Pankaj Gupta has been at the University Eye Institute since 2012. He specializes in cornea and refractive surgery in both adults and children. In 2015 there were 79,304 corneas provided for transplants with a 95+% success rate as reported by the Eye Bank Association of America.Corneas are one of the eight organs that you can register to donate through numerous Eye Banks across the United States. The other seven organs that can be donated are: heart, lung, kidney, liver, intestines, pancreas and tissues.You can register to become an organ donor at Donate Life America.We would extend b-roll credit to University Hospitals, Cleveland.


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Chris Klug Foundation 2016 Donor Dinner