Life at the End of the Rainbow
Written by Sarah Fisher, donor mother. Edited by CC Cunningham, CKF Program Manager.God's plan for Cameron's life has always been in His timing. While pregnant with Cameron, I went into labor three times before his actual due date. Cameron ended up being born three weeks early, on November 16th.
From a young age, Cameron was spontaneous, full of energy, and always looking for adventure. He was calculated in his decisions, but challenged the boundaries around him with his high energy and lack of fear. He certainly had his guardian angels working overtime to keep him safe! Cameron's constant quest for adventure inspired his passion for fast toys; some of which included snowmobiles, motocross, and BMX. As you can imagine, I was constantly worried that my son would get hurt every time he was out doing the things he loved.
On June 28th, 2019, my worst fear became a reality when we received a life-changing phone call from the local sheriff. Cameron had been in a car accident and was in the hospital. When I arrived at the ICU, everything quickly unfolded in front of me. I prayed that it was all a bad dream—that I would soon wake up and everything would be okay—but it wasn't a dream. My son had suffered severe, irreparable injuries and was brain dead. This was not what I imagined God's plan for Cameron's life would be. I pictured him having a successful career, getting married, having children...all of these hopes shattered in an instant.Although we were experiencing unimaginable pain, we soon discovered a miracle was about to take place: Cameron was a registered organ donor. Even though we were losing our son, he would be giving life back to others.
As we sat in the hospital room with Cameron, the brightest rainbow we'd ever seen filled the sky, all without a sign of rain. In that exact moment, we knew what God's plan for Cameron was. God blessed Cameron with so many amazing characteristics, but the greatest of all is what he donated to save the lives of others. I believe that God kept Cameron alive after his accident so that his organs could be donated. God knew that he still had way too much love to give. I can proudly say that, since his passing, Cameron's organs and tissues have given gifts to dozens of people, three of whom I had the pleasure of meeting: Terri Jochimsen, who received his kidneys; Tina Creviston, who received his liver; and Jeremy French, who received his heart. I was even lucky enough to meet Jeremy in person and listen to Cameron's heart—a heart that is so full of kindness, compassion, and love—beat inside his chest. I know these individuals will continue blessing those around them, in part, because a piece of Cameron is inside them.
"Because of Cameron, I can spend the holidays with my grand-babies." - Terri Jochimson, kidney recipient
"Because of Cameron, I will live beyond 2019. His generosity will never be forgotten." - Tina Creviston, liver recipient
"Because of Cameron, I now have my first working heart, since I was born with a heart defect. I am so appreciative of this new heart and this second chance." - Jeremy French, heart recipient
It's been almost a year since Cameron's passing and as time continues on, one miracle after another has taken place through Cameron's donations. His life continues to bless others and our family has found peace knowing that the plan God ultimately had for him is complete. By sharing Cameron's story, I aim to spread hope and educate others on the importance of organ donation.