I Hope To Encourage The Latino And Black Communities To Become Organ Donors

My journey to my kidney transplant started at the age of 16. When I was diagnosed with Chronic Kidney Disease stage 3. Tried different treatments to slow down the damage. At 20, I was told I needed dialysis soon so I had my fistula placed in my left forearm. At 21, I started my dialysis journey. It was the hardest time of my life because it forced me to quit school and leave my full-time job that I loved. Adjusting to dialysis was difficult but I did it. Just shy of 4 days till my 26th birthday,It was the hardest time of my life because it forced me to quit school and leave my full-time job that I loved. Adjusting to dialysis was difficult but I did it. Just shy of 4 days till my 26th birthday, I received my gift of life. On May 19th, 2017 I received my kidney transplant from a deceased donor. I will forever be thankful to his family for giving me a second chance at life. My goal is to reach as many people with my story in hopes that I can have at least one person get their kidneys checked. I also hope to encourage theMy goal is to reach as many people with my story in hopes that I can have at least one person get their kidneys checked. I also hope to encourage the Latino and Black communities to become organ donors. Far too often I hear they are not organ donors because of the rumor that they "kill" or let people die for their organs. It's tragic that that's people's mindset. If you would like to know more about me please follow my Instagram and blog!LivingChronicallyfab ????????????Connect with me at: @LivingChronicallyFabCheck out my blog at: Www.livingchronicallyfab.com  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VPEr5W4K9n8&feature=youtu.be


Someone Else's Tragedy Saved My Life


Brady and Belichick are NOT Organ Donors