Courtney Educates The Conifer High School With A Donor Dude Event
Courtney hosted a very successful Donor Dudes event at her high school, Conifer High School in Colorado. Courtney has participated in the Donor Dash in Denver, Colorado with a group of runners called Jack’s Tribe for 5 years. She is a registered organ donor and she believes that registering to be an organ donor is SO important.

A friend of Courtney’s family had received a life-saving transplant before. Courtney did an amazing job hosting and executing the Donor Dude event at her school to help educate her peers about organ donation. She created a section of the table with some swag to give away to students who participated in playing their trivia games. They made a poster that was modeled after a CO drivers license for students who were donors to sign. This poster will be displayed at a later date in the school. Many students had questions that Courtney and the student government, who helped her put on the event, were able to answer because of the Donor Dude Curriculum that was provided to them.The Chris Klug Foundation extends a great thank you to Courtney, the student government and the Conifer High School for helping us on our mission to educate and inspire people about the importance of organ donation.
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